Completion Guidelines

Whats this?

These Completion Guidelines are meant to help members figure out if their threads meet the requirements. This applies to Rank and Specialization threads, Thread Prompts and Catacomb Threads.

Basic Guidelines

  • All threads must have 10 or more posts and 1,000 words written by the requester.
  • Threads that have gone dead will be taken into consideration only if its 'death' was not your fault. Threads with less than 5 posts will not be considered.
    Ex. if your thread is 6 or 7 posts in and your thread partner doesn't post for 3 weeks, your thread will be considered.
  • Your thread must pertain directly to the task at hand.
    Ex. if your character wants the cooking Specialization, your thread must be about preparing a meal, seasoning some meat, etc.

Rank Threads

  • Basic Guidelines apply.
  • Read Only threads do not count as rank threads.
  • Two threads are needed to rank up from the first tier to the second.
  • Three threads are required to rank from second tier to third tier.
  • Each thread must be relevant to a particular rank requirement for upgrade.
    Ex. To promote your character from Warrior level 2 to level 3, they must train with a specific weapon.